Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

LGIM's Sonja Laud on boosting London's IPO market, navigating Trump 2.0 and being 'the only woman in the room'

Today’s episode has been produced in partnership with City Week, an annual agenda-setting international financial services forum which brings together more than 1,000 senior decision-makers from UK and overseas financial institutions for a comprehensive programme of cutting-edge presentations, panel discussions, social events and networking.

Today’s guest will be speaking at City Week on the growth prospects for sustainable finance and investment post-COP28. And it is in that context that she spoke with Following the Rules about how lawmakers and financial services executives can best support the global transition to a net zero economy. She also offers her views on how UK policymakers could encourage more companies to list in London.

She outlines how she believes the investment management industry should approach international investment decisions over the long term and navigate upcoming and increasing geopolitical tension and political uncertainty globally.

And she offers advice on how to get comfortable being “the only woman in the room” in a male-dominated industry.

And she should know. Because over the course of a 23-year career, Sonja Laud has held several senior roles within the asset management industry including a stint as head of equity at Fidelity International. Since 2019, she has worked as Chief Investment Officer at Legal & General Investment Management.

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